• Hi,
    I’ve tried to figure out this problem for many days and couldn’t do it..and I am leaving this question here…Hopefully I can have some help from here..

    I have used a simple Q&A forum called kboard, and the comment system of this forum doesn’t have email notification feature. So, I wanted to replace this comment plugin for wordpress default comment system.
    But, the problem is that this forum is generated with a short code on a single page. So, when I open each topic, it leads me to a different link.
    So, the wordpress default comment is useless for this forum because the default wordpress comment shows all the comments from all the different links(topics) on the same space(page). I don’t know how to explain this better. Please, have a look at my website.
    Please, let me know how to use the default wordpress comment with this plugin, or any other ways to use a comment plugin with notification feature…
    Thanks a lot for anyones who will help me out..

    (I know many of you would say I have to change the forum plugin…but I have no choice but to use this plugin for some reasons..)

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