• After i clicked on Delete Cache and Delete Expired Files in SuperCache, the page filled wall to wall with words that looks like code from under the hood of SuperCache. Not only this page but the Dashboard and the website. I uploaded a backup of the WordPress site and got the site to display again, thankfully- but I still cannot view the plugins section of the Dashboard – that page is still filled wall to wall with words. Below is a sample of what I am seeing on this page:

    /* WP-Cache Config Sample File $cache_page_secret = ‘ac9c12ea756556bd37d8a8c0ed72d993’; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mobile_groups = ”; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mobile_groups = ”; //Added by WP-Cache Manager $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = ‘w3c , w3c-, acs-, alav, alca, amoi, audi, avan, benq, bird, blac, blaz, brew, cell, cldc, cmd-, dang, doco, eric, hipt, htc_, inno, ipaq, ipod, jigs, kddi, keji, leno, lg-c, lg-d, lg-g, lge-, lg/u, maui, maxo, midp, mits, mmef, mobi, mot-, moto, mwbp, nec-, newt, noki, palm, pana, pant, phil, play, port, prox, qwap, sage, sams, sany, sch-, sec-, send, seri, sgh-, shar, sie-, siem, smal, smar, sony, sph-, symb, t-mo, teli, tim-, tosh, tsm-, upg1, upsi, vk-v, voda, wap-, wapa, wapi, wapp, wapr, webc, winw, winw, xda , xda-‘; //Added by WP-Cache Manager

    I have re-installed WordPress 3.91 and uploaded my file backup. But this problems persists. Can you please advise?
    Thank you,


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  • Thread Starter susantau


    Update: I scrolled down a long way to find the plugins page intact down below. I deactivated SuperCache and now the page displays just fine.

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