• Hi all, do you think that this website is very slow in loading?
    And it’s not just the website itself, but also working from the admin panel is a pain. I am using firefox and chrome. The theme is Graphene.

    I found and followed some tips online to try to speed it up, with limited success. I installed W3 total cache, I run a test with P3 plugin performance to analyse the impact of every plugins (found that facebook was too heavy and deleted it).

    Here the results of the latest test:
    11 active plugins
    Plugin Impact: 51.9% (of page load time)

    Advanced Metrics
    Total Load Time: 6.1360 seconds avg.
    Site Load Time: 0.4955 seconds avg.
    Profile Overhead: 5.6405 seconds avg.
    Plugin Load Time: 0.2573 seconds avg.
    Theme Load Time: 0.0236 seconds avg.
    Core Load Time: 5.6389 seconds avg.
    Margin of Error: -5.4243 seconds avg.
    (6.1360 observed, 11.5603 expected)

    Visits: 1
    Number of PHP ticks: 3,196 calls avg.
    Memory Usage: 47.75 MB avg.
    MySQL Queries: 15 queries avg.

    Can anyone help me in understaing why it is so slow? I mean we only have text contents and few small images…it’s not an heavy website.
    Thanks 🙂

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    That is incredibly slow for a site that size, but your PHP calls and MySQL queries are even lower than my test site with 1 post and 2 plugins. 🙂

    Normally in this case, I’d expect a plugin. I’d start by deactivating all plugins, and if that makes a difference, reactivate each plugin one-by-one until the slowness comes back. If you find the plugin causing the problem, chances are that you can find an alternative somewhere amongst the 31k plugins at http://wordpress.org/plugins/

    If slowness continued after all plugins were disabled, I’d suspect the theme next, though it is highly unlikely.

    If slowness continues with all plugins disabled and Twenty Fourteen default theme active, the slowness is almost undoubtedly your server, and I’d recommend contacting your hosting provider.

    Thread Starter Shaikailash


    Thanks, I\ll go through all your advices! 🙂

    Is it possible to do all these tests while temporarily disabling the website for the public?

    Moderator James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    Sure, try a maintenance mode plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/maintenance

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