• http://ima-mfa.hunter.cuny.edu/current-courses/
    On the site above, I’d like to make sure that the last category gets the class “active” so that when the page loads, those items are shown first. Here is my code:

    <ul id="filters" class="clearfix">
    <?php wp_list_categories(array('show_option_all' => 'Show All Courses', 'orderby' => 'ID', 'order' =>'ASC', 'title_li' => '', 'taxonomy' => 'course_semester', 'walker' => new Works_Walker())); ?>
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  • Thread Starter graysonearle


    It seems that giving it the class is not enough. It needs to be “activated” as well, which is traditionally done with a mouse click. .click() is not doing the trick, either.

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