• I just used Automatic Upgrade to go from 2.5.1, and at the step where I need to upgrade my database it jumps to a login screen, and the correct username is already in there, but it won’t accept the password that I just used to log in with. Flip back to the dashboard screen where I started running the upgrade and it too jumps to a login screen which will not accept the correct password. Yes, I checked to make sure that the Caps lock was not on. Help?

    Thanks in advance…

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  • Thread Starter desteele


    nevamind…after using the new password link several times I succeeded in getting it to change the password for me. But, this still seems to be a bug in the Automatic Upgrade plugin.

    Awww…man! Me, too. I got here doing a search of “wordpress automatic upgrade password” hoping to find a workaround. How can you get to a ‘new password’ link without being able to login in the first place? Yargh!

    Thing is, it knows I’m giving it the correct password. When I deliberately give it the wrong password, it says “incorrect password.” If I give it the right one, it sits there with its thumb up its ass.

    “I know!” I says, “I’ll use a plug-in to upgrade! That way, I can’t screw it up…”

    Oh, right. The “lost your password?” link. Well, I’ve pressed it a few times and it hasn’t emailed me anything.

    Which probably means I’ve buggered my original password. I can’t be positive I don’t have a dead return address in my settings, too.

    Well, at least I can get onto my host. I’ll poke around in the php and see if I can find anything.

    In my case, it appears to be an Opera problem. I can log in fine using IE. Oh, man. If I can’t admin with my preferred browser, I’m going to be severely bummed.

    Off to file a bug report.

    one thing you could try if you have command line access is to access mysql directly,

    mysql> show databases;
    mysql> use <whatever_you_called_this_db>;
    mysql> show tables;

    look through tables until you find one that looks like users, let’s assume it’s called users for now…
    mysql> select * from users;

    and unless the p/w is stored encrypted, chances are that you might be able to view the login/pw in plain text

    Your mileage may sure-as-hell vary but it’s definitely worth a try

    Hope this helps some

    Thanks for the response. I banged my head against it until I got in. I can log in no problem with Explorer, so it looks like an Opera problem. That may be why there are so few reports (I don’t know what the userbase of Opera is these days, but Firefox surely took big bites out of it).

    On reflection, I’m thinking this is likely to be a WordPress 2.6 problem and I just barked my shins on it in the course of doing the upgrade.

    Help guys, I’m locked out of my WordPress.

    After the “Congratulations! All the files have been upgraded to the latest version. Please CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE FINAL STEP.” came out, I was forwarded to a log-in screen where only the [USERNAME] was available. When I typed in my password it would just re-direct to itself over and over again.

    The URL it was trying to access:

    But over and over again it returns to the log-in prompt where my password didn’t work. I asked for a new password, got one, and tried it. It still didn’t work.

    Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, this happens.

    Other notes:
    – I was upgrading from WordPress 2.6.1 to 2.6.2.
    – I followed all the directions through the “Click Next”, “click next” method.

    Alright, the same thing happened to me as the above people.

    After the “Congratulations! All the files have been upgraded to the latest version. Please CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE FINAL STEP.” came out, I was forwarded to a log-in screen where only the [USERNAME] was available. When I typed in my password it would just re-direct to itself over and over again.

    I have tried upgrading 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 with WP Automatic Upgrade.

    I backed up the SQL file and when I got into the same mess as some of the above users, I immediately tried to revert back to the old database. However, the problem still lingers!

    I then manually tried to upload the WordPress upgrade files onto my server and tried overwrite the WP Automatic Upgrade files that uploaded previously but that still doesn’t work!

    The problem exists in all of my browsers (Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer) even with the cookies reset each time I tried to change the password.

    I went into phpMYadmin, changed my admin password there and then selected MD5 in the drop down menu. It didn’t work. I put in the new password and I just get the WP log in screen again and again.

    I have tried the last resort Emergency Password Changer created by village idiot. However, the password that I created using this script did not work either.

    What the hell is wrong with my installation? Can someone please shed some light on my errors? Thank you!

    This appears to be primarily due to incompatible plugins. In my case, renaming the plugins/ directory to plugins-backup/ and creating a new, empty plugins/ directory fixed the problem. However, when I resumed using the blog after restoring the original plugins/ directory, WTAU wouldn’t let me activate new plugins. I had to go visit the Manage/Automatic upgrade page to clean up the upgrade files, and then had to re-activate plugins manually.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks spiff06, that method worked perfectly!

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