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  • Plugin Author DesignsAndCode


    Hey imdreamer

    The plugin does not handle any displaying of items – this is all done by the templates of your theme.

    To style the results the way you want, you need to be comfortable with editing the your themes templates – this plugin does not offer this kind of feature – it only builds the search form and generates the results – the rest is up to you and your theme!


    Thread Starter imdreamer



    thanks for your kind reply, my following questions are :

    1.your plugin automatically tell me all my public taxonomies in shortcode :
    [searchandfilter taxonomies=”search,category,post_tag,post_format,download_category,download_tag,gfx_media”]

    i found “post_format” and “gfx_media” pull down menus were empty, what’s up ? how can i repair this problem ? these two format is the most important to me to show correctly.

    2.where can i modify code to show customized format of search result in my theme ?

    style.css or search.php or functions.php ? which relevant keyword can i find regarding modification of format of search result ?


    Plugin Author DesignsAndCode


    Hey imdreamer

    Do you have a link I could look at? Its hard to guess what is happening without being able to see what is going on.

    I would suggest taking a look at the docs to see what you can do –

    Maybe you need to configure the plugin to show your custom post types, or maybe you need to change the hide_empty argument…

    Let me know if there is a link I can look at?


    Thread Starter imdreamer



    my site is under secret development, can you give your email ? i send you my URL to take a look.


    Plugin Author DesignsAndCode


    Hey imdreamer – please leave your details on our contact form and I’ll take a look tomorrow:


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