• I am new to blogging and just added wordpress to my site. I am also new to rss.

    I understand what rss is and how it works but from a rollout stand point I have a few questions as to what is best practice.

    Should I have a feed for only one rss specification or offer multiple; for example,0 .9, 2.0 atom, etc?

    Is a standard feed good enough or should I add rss by email and/or mobile?


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  • Those are all acceptable options, but I prefer to use feedburner because I can stick adsense ads in them

    No standard has yet emerged as ‘best’.
    Wordpress offers all the versions you mentioned, out of the box, so I would just stick with it. (I do just stick with it)

    And I wouldn’t call putting ads in a feed ‘best practice’

    depends on what your purpose is I make between $3 and $5 extra off those clicks every day. how is your blog doing monetarily?

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