• I have read the documentation and forums. I am beginning to feel like an idiot now.

    I am using WordPress basically as a CMS with pages ONLY. The site is TavernHouse dot com.

    I set the page (I named it ‘Home’ now) as my Static Front Page but it still shows up as an additional page within the navigation bar. It does not show up in the side bar as another link. I’ve tried to ‘unpublish’ it too.

    If I uncheck the Static Page option and just put Post there is no link to the front page.

    I am familiar with html but just learning php. Can someone explain how to fix this as if I was a 6 year old? That’s how old I feel after working on this for a few weeks!!

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  • To use that option you need to set BOTH: frontpage and posts page.
    Yes, if your navbar is based on Pages – using the wp_list_pages tag – it will show up in the navbar. What’s wrong with that?

    After you follow Moshu’s directions and decide that you’d like to prevent certain pages from displaying, then consider excluding specific pages from displaying. There are numerous post on the ‘exclude’ command. An FYI, you’ll need to know the page’s ID number, which means you’ll need to install the plugin that displays ID numbers.

    Thread Starter learning2


    Well…I tried to understand. I found that the ‘wp_list_pages’ tag was listed in my header.php file.

    This is what I had

    <div id=”menu”>

      <li <?php if(is_home()){echo ‘class=”current_page_item”‘;}?>>” title=”Home”>Home
      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’ );?>


    What I did was comment out the reference to Home:

    <div id=”menu”>

      <li <?php if(is_home()){echo ‘class=”current_page_item”‘;}?>><!–” title=”Home”>Home–>
      <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&depth=1’ );?>

    I’m sure there is a cleaner way of doing this but I couldn’t find a reference to also include the ‘exclude’ method within the ‘wp_list_pages’ php code referenced as:

    wp_list_pages('exclude=17,38' ); ?>

    which was recommended and I found on this page:

    So…I guess its time to get out my php book for a better understanding of using php code. Thanks for your input!

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