• Hi to everyone.

    I’m using this fantastic plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/user-photo to allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their “Your Profile” page.

    The problem (i’m very newbe with php):

    in a custom page template named /* Template Name: Your information */

    i’m trying to get the photo of the current logged user

    Something like this

    <?php global $userdata;
            <?php  if (is_user_logged_in()){
    		     echo '<h1>Your information</h1>
    	<div class="left-box">';
    	echo userphoto_the_author_photo(); // HERE I GET THE USER PHOTO
    	echo '<ul style="clear:left">';  e
    	echo('<li>You are logged in as <strong>'  . $userdata->user_login . "</strong> \n! </li>" );
            echo '<li> <a href="'; echo bloginfo('url');echo '/wp-admin'; echo '"><strong>Edit your information </strong></a></li>';
    	echo '<li>'; wp_loginout(); echo '</li>';
    	echo '</ul>';
    	echo '</div>'; 	
             else {
            echo '<h1>Your information</h1>
    	<div class="left-box">';
    	echo '<ul style="clear:left">';
            echo('<li>Register now</li>');
    	echo '<li>'; wp_loginout(); echo '</li>';
    	echo '<li>';  wp_register('',''); echo '</li>';
    	echo '</ul>';
    	echo '</div>'; 	

    With this code i get naturally the photo of the AUTHOR of that page (Me) INSTEAD OF the photo of the current logged user.

    The tags introduced by the plugin are:

    • userphoto_the_author_photo
    • userphoto_the_author_thumbnail
    • userphoto_comment_author_photo
    • userphoto_comment_author_thumbnail

    and are all related the the author photo.

    In the plugin (file user-photo.php) around the line 427 i found this code

    <legend><?php echo $isSelf ? _e("La tua foto", 'user-photo') : _e("Foto Utente", 'user-photo') ?></legend>
            <?php if($profileuser->userphoto_image_file): ?>
                <p class='image'><img src="<?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/' . $profileuser->userphoto_image_file . "?" . rand() ?>" alt="Grande" />
    			<p class='image'><img src="<?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/' . $profileuser->userphoto_thumb_file . "?" . rand() ?>" alt="Thumbnail" />
    			<hr />

    That (i presume) display the user logged photo but in the admin profile page. I tried to “experiment” with that code without results 🙁

    Someone could help me to write the right function to get the Current User logged photo?

    Thanks for support!

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  • did you try this:

    <?php userphoto($wp_query->get_queried_object()) ?>


    <?php userphoto($wp_query->get_queried_object()) ?>

    I’m getting an error when I use this one.

    Does anyone have a solution regarding this yet? I really need to show the user’s photo whenever he/she’s logged in.



    I’m having the exact same issue… would someone please help?

    Thanks so much! I really hope someone does! email me if there is a solution or want to talk about it: tjmapes [at] gmail.com

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