• Hi

    I am really confused about coding.

    I understand I can edit the .php files to customize my page, although I have recently learned it is better to edit a child theme in case of mistakes or updates etc.

    The problem I am having is shown in the example below:

    I am wanting to remove the clickable links in my posts titles. So I find the code to change online which is:

    ‘<h2>”><?php the_title(); ?></h2>.’

    and I am told this is in my single.php file.

    The problem is, this line of code is nowhere in the single.php file.

    All that is in that file is:

    * The Template for displaying all single posts
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Twenty_Fourteen
    * @since Twenty Fourteen 1.0

    get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”primary” class=”content-area”>
    <div id=”content” class=”site-content” role=”main”>
    // Start the Loop.
    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

    * Include the post format-specific template for the content. If you want to
    * use this in a child theme, then include a file called called content-___.php
    * (where ___ is the post format) and that will be used instead.
    get_template_part( ‘content’, get_post_format() );

    // Previous/next post navigation.

    // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template.
    if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) {
    </div><!– #content –>
    </div><!– #primary –>

    get_sidebar( ‘content’ );

    Am I looking in the wrong place. There has been a few instances where I am wanting to change something and am told to edit a line of code which just isn’t in the file they say?


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  • This line should help:

    get_template_part( ‘content’, get_post_format() );

    It’s loading a template file named content-{post-format}.php where {post-format} is format for current post. Don’t know exactly which file it would be because I don’t know which theme you’re using, but something like content.php might be it presuming it’s standard post format.

    Thread Starter Bobby Ash


    Thank you, I will have a look

    Duplicate thread: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/coding-confusion?replies=1

    This is just a guess, but I know some things come from WordPress core files and can (or must) be changed via functions.php. For example:

    /* change password message for protected pages */
    function change_pw_text($content) { $content = str_replace( 'This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:',
    'Hint: Tell our system to show you, and it will.', $content); return $content; }

    Maybe you need to do something similar.

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