• I have been able to get Yoast to green light all of my pages and posts with the exception of the blog page and homepage. The problem is, in order to green light it, it needs the focus keyword to be in the URL which is often difficult.

    For blogs not so much, let’s say my focus keyword is “t-shirt blog” for my blog on a eECommerce store that sells tshirts. I can make the url tshirtshop.com/t-shirt-blog and Yoast will make the focus keyword of the t-shirt blog, “t-shirt blog”. Done. Of course, it still wants “t-shirt blog” to be in the actual page content and page title. I can add it to the page title and I can technically add it to the page content.

    Yet, it’s almost like I’m tricking Yoast. In other words, my blog page only displays posts and does not display page content from the blog page. I can add content to the blog page about “t-shirt blog” to get it to green light but that content is not actually displayed on the blog page. Am I making sense? It’s like Yoast is green lighting content that is not actually going to be there.

    It’s even more confusing with homepages. Let’s say my homepage is tshirtshop.com. I want to add “tshirts online” as my focus keyword. The problem is “tshirtsonline” is not in the tshirtshop.com url, so I get a yellow light at best.

    It’s almost like Yoast in order to go green expects the url to always have the focus keyword and that is not always possible.

    Should I just ignore the yellow light for some content and assume it’s good enough? I find myself trying to get everything to go green. 🙂

    ** I do not own tshirtshop.com; it is for demo purposes ***

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