• W3 Total Cache 0.9.3

    Normally, when wp-cron is run, the page cache loads correctly. My server logs show /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron … then /sitemap.xml … then it loads the 20 pages that I tell it to. The page cache fills up over time, then garbage collection happens and the cycle repeats itself.

    I run a plugin called Cron Manager, and I can see the time delays for each of my cron jobs including wp_pgcache_prime, and everything Normally runs excellently.

    Recently, however, something strange happened. In Cron Manager, I normally see two instances of wp_pgcache_prime. One is of the type “[W3TC] Page Cache prime (every 1698 seconds)” and One is of the type “One-off Event”. Recently, the One-off Event disappeared, and my cache is no longer loading. Now, I see the call to wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron and my /sitemap.xml, but the pages are no longer loading. Garbage collection IS happening correctly (pages are expiring to the .old extension), but they are not getting refreshed when the cron job is called.

    I have been able to rectify this in the past by removing the /wp-content/w3tc-config folder and replacing it .. that brings back the One-off event (sometimes!). However, that method is not working now.

    Does anybody know of any idea on how to make this start working again?



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