• I think User Crop preservation is a new addtion to WP, not sure which version, but when a user crops an image in the Image Editor, it creates another copy of the image with a timestamp hash. I’ve written a small plugin to ensure that user-cropped images are kept attached to the image, rather than resetting to the original.

    Maybe it’ll be of use to roll into the plugin? Or maybe it’s more useful as a core submission – either way, here it is!

    class ZG_Regenerate_Thumbnail_Enhancements {
    	protected $current_image_size = '';
    	function __construct() {
    		add_action( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', array( $this, 'reselect_user_cropped_images' ), 10, 2 );
    	function reselect_user_cropped_images( $metadata, $attachment_id ) {
    		$filepath = $metadata['file'];
    		$last_dot_pos = strrpos( $filepath, '.' );
    		$last_slash_pos = strrpos( $filepath, '/' )+1;
    		$ext = substr( $filepath, $last_dot_pos );
    		$directory = substr( $filepath, 0, $last_slash_pos );
    		$filename = substr( $filepath, $last_slash_pos, $last_dot_pos - $last_slash_pos );
    		$wp_upload_dir =  wp_upload_dir( $directory );
    		$images = glob( $wp_upload_dir['path'] . "/$filename-*$ext" );
    		// Loop through the image's sizes and check to see if we have any
    		// user-cropped versions
    		foreach( $metadata['sizes'] as $size => &$data ) {
    			$this->current_image_size = $data;
    			$matches = array_filter( $images, array( $this, 'find_user_crop_images' ) );
    			if ( $matches ) {
    				$filepath = end( $matches );
    				$last_slash_pos = strrpos( $filepath, '/' )+1;
    				$data['file'] = substr( $filepath, $last_slash_pos );
    		return $metadata;
    	function find_user_crop_images( $image ) {
    		return strpos( $image, $this->current_image_size['width'] . 'x' . $this->current_image_size['height'] );
    new ZG_Regenerate_Thumbnail_Enhancements;


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