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  • Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    I’m having a look at why it’s not converting. You’re syntax looks perfect, so it’s not that.

    As for the QuickTab, it seems that it’s broken! I guess one of the WordPress upgrades changed the way it works. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix it sometime in the near future (next month or so, as I’m backed up at the minute).


    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    I’ve managed to replicate it now – for some reason the problem occurs when there is a single conversion on a page, but works fine when there are multiple conversion, and I hadn’t picked it up. That means it must have introduced in a recent version. I’ll find the problem and fix it ASAP (hopefully in the next day or so).


    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    I’ve worked out how to fix it. I just need to package it up and uploaded to I can’t do that from this computer, but should be able to do it tonight or tomorrow. Either way, look for a version 2.6 coming to your plugins screen soon.


    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    I’ve fixed both the problem with it not converting and the problem with the quicktag not appearing in version 2.6 and uploaded that version.There should be an update notification in your plugins page within the next 12 hours (if it’s not there already).


    Thread Starter groupemedia


    just tried and still don’t work.. see the agence web Montréal website

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    Hmm, seems that you’re experiencing a different problem from the one I fixed, but it’s hard to work out what.

    The source of the page does look a little strange:
    tes<span id="localcurrency3845-0"> 100</span>$
    instead of what it should look like:
    $100<span id="localcurrency3845-0"></span>

    That’s outputted from the <!–LC codes, but something seems to have gone wrong and I can’t make it happen here.

    Could you please edit the test page and copy the exact code you’re using (ie between the <!–LC tags), then paste it here? Also can you please let me know what the settings are in the Settings -> LocalCurrency screen.

    Sorry about the hassle, but those two pieces of information will help me try to replicate the problem.

    Note, you’ll notice there’s a debug mode setting – There’s no need to run this as I can access most of this information from the source of your test page.


    Thread Starter groupemedia


    I change back to the original.. so here is the only thing I have in my source page.
    see again the page agence web

    Everything in the setting is UNCKECK… haven’t touch Plugin and debug.. they are still original 10/uncheck.

    Now I see that If I change the currency, It works but I was thinking that as the page load it would show directly my local currency in CDN. Its stay in USD. I need to manually select it to make it work.

    To make you understand my problem better, I am now using the unsupported worldcurrency plugin and I want to switch back to your plugin as you actually update and offer good support.
    I use the software for a managed dedicated server company.. see the table
    So people visiting the site always get the currency in their own country currency.

    Is it possible to achieve that with you plugin?

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    Glad it’s now working again.

    To get what you want, try checking the “Hide Original Price” setting and then saving. That should do what you want, although the currency code will show before the number rather than after.

    You can see this on my test page here (although I’ll turn that back off after a day or so):

    Is that what you’re after?


    Thread Starter groupemedia


    Hi Stephen,

    If I can resume, an important aspect of your plugin would be to have an Ip checker. The Ip check the country of visitor and display directly the correct conversion. Do you have the ability to upgrade your plugin so it can do this, I think it’s pretty simple to do and is crucial?

    I believe this is a must and would make all the difference in the number of people using it. All the wordpress shopping cart would use it to push their product price in the country people visit.

    This way your plugin will be much more popular and downloaded.
    Let me know if you will update it.

    Ex: see the table at the bottom of the page of my managed dedicated server company

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hi Groupemedia,

    It already does have an IP checker (actually the same one as WorldCurrency, as that plugin used LocalCurrency as the starting point).

    For an example, if you go to the test page here:

    then it should detect the country you are in and automatically display the currency for your country. I’m in Australia, so I see “I spent AUD$17.26 on food”. What do you see (and what country are you in)?

    With the “Hide Original Price” setting turned on, you should be able to recreate the table at the bottom of the page.

    Hope that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn’t.


    Thread Starter groupemedia


    Here is the problem.. I am now in mexico and I see AUD$17.26
    So we have now pin point the bug to be 2ip. I tried with different proxy server and it always load Yuan then change to AUD. You were not able to see the problem from your end since you are in Australia.

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    Hmm, okay, I’ll need to look into that.

    Does the WorldCurrency plugin work for you? In theory it should be the same, but they might have updated the version of 2ip that they use. I can look into doing that too.

    If that doesn’t fix it, I’ll have to look at other options for fixing it (not sure what yet!).

    Thread Starter groupemedia


    Worldcurrency does not working for me and that is the reason why I came for your plugin.. also because its not supported… seem that is the same kind of bug.. it is not displaying correct currency for many countries.

    Plugin Author Stephen Cronin


    What happens when you go to an IP checking site, such as:

    Does that find the right location for you? Or does it show Australia? If you could give me some details about what that returns (IP address, City, Region, Country) it might help me troubleshoot. If I know your IP address I can check what IP2C returns for that particular IP address.

    If you don’t want to put those details on this site (where other people can see them), you can email the details to me through my contact form.

    Also, does this just happen for one computer or all of the computers you use?

    Thread Starter groupemedia


    Here what is my IP returns
    ISP: Mega Cable, S.A. de C.V.
    Organization: Mega Cable, S.A. de C.V.
    Connection: Broadband
    Services: None Detected
    Country: Mexico

    Also I tried with TOR browser
    this browser launch a hidden identity browser which load from different countries everytime.. you link always return AUD and my link always return EURO

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