• Hey there,

    one simple question:

    Is it possible to alterate the easy2map plugin to black & white display colors?

    If yes, can it be done with the standard free version of easy2map or do I need the ultimate version? I’m asking because it says under features:

    – Choose from 6 different map templates; edit CSS of maps; import and export maps and markers
    – An example of a color CSS editor for changing the map’s background color (Easy2Map Ultimate Version).

    Where would be the place to paste the following code into the plugin?

    [ {
      "featureType": "water",
      "stylers": [ {
        "color": "#ffffff" }
      "featureType": "landscape",
      "elementType": "geometry",
      "stylers": [ {
        "color": "#000000" }
      "featureType": "administrative",
      "elementType": "labels.text.fill",
      "stylers": [ {
        "color": "#ffffff" }
      "featureType": "administrative",
      "elementType": "labels.text.stroke",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "simplified" }
      "featureType": "road",
      "elementType": "geometry",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "poi",
      "elementType": "geometry.fill",
      "stylers": [ {
        "color": "#000000" }, {
        "visibility": "simplified" }
      "featureType": "administrative.province",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "road",
      "elementType": "geometry.stroke",
      "stylers": [ {
        "color": "#ffffff" }, {
        "weight": 2 }, {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "administrative.locality",
      "stylers": [ { "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "road",
      "elementType": "labels",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "poi",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "transit",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }
      "featureType": "administrative.neighborhood",
      "stylers": [ {
        "visibility": "off" }

    Thank you in advance!


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  • Thread Starter Richard Popup


    Additional question:

    How can I extract the colours of the map in my theme

    and include them into the easy2map plugin:

    That’s basically what I want to do, any ideas?

    Plugin Author stevenellis


    Hi Richard

    Thanks for the post. Unfortunately at the moment, it is not possible to change the colors of the actual map features (only the frames and spaces surrounding the map). Assuming that the Google Maps API allows for custom colors, we would need to add this feature to the tool (to allow users to set custom colors).
    Looking at the example you have at http://heart-of-ace.com/contact/, it looks like a great feature to have, so (assuming it is possible) I will add it to the next version of the plugin. I will keep you posted as to when that will be released.

    Thread Starter Richard Popup


    Thank you for the info Steven.

    Best regards,


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