• Hi! I installed the facebook plugin and tried to follow the instructions.
    It sais:
    Open Graph prerequisites:
    1. A Facebook application identifier associated with TheValveTimes ✓
    2. Associate an Open Graph action-object pair for your application: people can publish an article
    3. Authenticate with Facebook to allow your Facebook application to post to your Timeline or Page on your behalf when a post is published ✓
    4. Publish an article to your Facebook Timeline
    5. Submit your Publish action for approval. Request optional capabilities: User Messages, Tags, Explicitly Shared

    I followed 1-4 steps and all seems to be fine, but I cant submit the Public Action for approval. It sais
    You, or this app's Open Graph Test User, must have published this action before being able to submit for review.
    Is it all right? I can Publish to both timeline and page. Do I still need to approve my action?


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