• A few issues for me:
    – All testimonials are lost after moving from localhost to live server or re-installing the site. Or maybe I haven’t found ways to keep/backup them.
    – In HTML mode of the Editor when adding a new item if I type a very long text content without placing br tag then on the front my site the text displayed inline very long cause UI of my site broken.
    – Related to the first issue, if in the setting we set number of the testimonials to be displayed is says 3 then, after you re-install the site all testimonials are lost as said – This will show an Error Message repeating in two lines on top of your front site something related to Pagination. I understand this as because you set the number to be displayed as 3 so it will hook in to db for 3 testimonials then there’s no content yet so error! After re-adding the testimonials this is auto-fixed.
    – After all, I have searched and tried most other Testimonial Plugin out there but am still choose to use this plug because I find this much better for me than the others it is easy to install and use, it has Image, URL adding ability, no ads and it’s free.
    – would be nice if we can set Random/number of items to be displayed – just like widget but for short-code also.

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