• I’m trying to create a child theme for Leaf. I would like to add my own elements with accent color. What code would I use in the child theme’s functions.php? In a post below, you showed me where it was in the parent theme, but I want it in the child theme, so I want lose it in updates. I love the theme, and thanks for your help!

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  • Theme Author bradthomas127


    You can add this to leaf options Custom CSS or put it in your child themes style.css file under @import url(“../leaf/style.css”);. If you put it in the style.css file make sure leaf options accent color is set to default #C4302B

    a:hover, .site-header h1 a:hover, .site-header h2 a:hover, .comments-link a:hover, .entry-meta a:hover, .widget-area .widget a:hover, .footer-navigation li a:hover, .copyright a:hover, .site-info a:hover, .comment-content .reply a:hover, #respond #submit:hover { color: #c2d2df;}
    .image-tag, .aside-format, .audio-format, .gallery-format, .image-format, .link-format, .video-format, .search-bar .submit, .iview-caption.caption3, .pagination .current, .pagination a:hover { background-color: #c2d2df;}
    .search-bar:after {border-right-color: #c2d2df;}

    Replace all the #c2d2df with the hex color you want.

    Thread Starter Ronnie Albert



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