• I’ve been struggling to figure out how to do this. Seems like such a simple task. I have a hierarchy of categories X levels deep, and I want to render recent posts from any category that is child of a more general category… and here’s the function to get things started. This function will take a post ID, and the parent category you want to see if it is a child of…

    (This way it is more dynamic than hardcoding (is_category(1) || is_category(2) etc. etc.)

    function post_child_of_cat($child_post_id, $parent_cat_id)
    		$cat_array = wp_get_post_categories($child_post_id);
    		foreach ($cat_array as $category)
    			if (cat_is_ancestor_of((int)$parent_cat_id, (int)$category))
    				return true;
    		return false;

    So, I have a category like so

    Fruits > Green > Apples

    And I want output recent posts from any category under fruits on any of the apples pages… lets assume the fruit category has a category id of 69. I want to put this code in the template that the posts use, inside the loop,

    for example, put this in the loop in single.php..

    if (post_child_of_cat($post->ID, 69)) {
    		// do whatever you want here...
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