• Hello,

    I would like to suggest one improvment to the WP Mailchimp Widget plugin. We currently use this adjustment, but that means the plugin is modified and cannot be updated. It would be really nice to have this feature in the core, and I think also other users could benefit of it.

    What I would like is apply some filter to the “submit successfull” message, so anyone can adjust it from the theme. For example assign there some image, or (as in our case), bind there javascript code that fires Google Analytics track event. The adjustment is very simple and doesn’t influence present users in any way –

    in /mailchimp.php, around line #1330, there is block

    else {
    		$msg = "<strong class='mc_success_msg'>".esc_html(__("Success, you've been signed up! Please look for our confirmation email!", 'mailchimp_i18n'))."</strong>";

    I would like to add the filter, so it would look like this:

    else {
    		$msg = "<strong class='mc_success_msg'>".esc_html(__("Success, you've been signed up! Please look for our confirmation email!", 'mailchimp_i18n'))."</strong>";
    		$msg = apply_filters('mailchimp_signum_success_message', $msg);

    Do you think this would be possible? Thanks in advance



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