• Searched high and low with no resolution. Seems its been awhile since it’s been asked so maybe there is a solution now.

    How can I get the description for an attribute’s term to show when selected?(a variation that has been selected on the product page – in my case I would like to show the description for the scent that has been selected from the dropdown).

    I did find this code and inserted it into the variable.php file:

    <?php $my_taxonomy = ‘pa_scents’;
    $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, $my_taxonomy );
    echo term_description($terms[0]->term_id, $my_taxonomy); ?>

    It is the closest I’ve come but will only return the description for the first item in the terms list, no matter what is chosen.

    I tried radio buttons but that took up too much room.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so very much! (I am using Whitelight if that matters)


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  • Did you find a solution for this? I’m using the following – but I want “pa_arsenalho” to be a variable. I’ve tried ‘taxonomy’ and $taxonomy but neither work.

    $customepattributes = get_the_terms( $product->id, 'pa_arsenalho');
          foreach ( $customepattributes as $customepattributes ) {
              echo "<b>".$customepattributes->name."</b>";
              echo $customepattributes->description;

    I need the code in the template to display whatever the taxonomy is linked to the page

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