• Here’s a complaint with the wysiwig editor. It drives me crazy. I’m on Windows firefox by the way.

    I’m in the wysiwig, I add a link the normal way. Then when I resume typing text after the hyperlink the blue line under the text continues, making the rest of what I write part of the same hyperlink.

    One would think that pushing the button to break the link would solve the problem. Instead that removes the blue line from the entire hyperlink. When the hyperlink is formed with the GUI, I can’t move the cursor beyond the hyperlink
    And I can’t move the cursor beyond the hyperlink to start typing normal text.

    A workaround is to type the word, manually add a space and/or word and then go back to the original word to make it a hyperlink. But that is really really annoying.

    Whenever this happens, I have to switch to code view to
    correct the problem.

    Am I missing something obvious here? Or is this a built in deficiency with the text editor?

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