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  • Thread Starter Jean-Charles de Geekarts


    Here is the solution

    I have modify the Glass.js

    // Glass.js, create a looking glass effect for images in a HTML page.
    // Copyright (C) 2011  Jan-Mark S. Wams (
    // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    // (at your option) any later version.
    // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    // GNU General Public License for more details.
    // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    // along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    // Plugin Name: Glass
    // Plugin URI:
    // Description: Yet an other magnifying glass implementation.
    // Author: Jan-Mark Wams (
    // Version: 1.3.2
    // Author URI:
    // License: GPL3
    // This JavaScript source is loosely couple with WordPress. The
    // WordPress .php code that manages adds a number of variables to the
    // header like so:
    // <script type='text/javascript'>
    //   document.myrtheGlassDx='1000';
    //   document.myrtheGlassDy='666';
    //     :
    // </script>
    // In this JavaScript script these variables are used like this:
    //   minEnlarge = (document.myrtheGlassMinEnlarge || 2.0);
    // If this script is used without defining these header variables
    // some defaults are used.
    // I did not test this, but this JavaScript script should run
    // unaltered if included standalone in a HTML file.
    // Call glassInit() near the end of your HTML file to initialize
    // and activate the images on your page.
    // DON'T FORGET: Setting the DOCTYPE on your HTML page
    // forces M$-IE to not include the border in the width. 
    // DEBUG
    //function dump(arr, level)
    //  var dumped_text = '';
    //  if(!level) level = 0;
    //  if (level > 3) return 'TOO DEEP\n';
    //  // The padding given at the beginning of the line.
    //  var level_padding = '';
    //  for(var j=0; j < level+1; j++) level_padding += '  ';
    //  if(typeof(arr) == 'object') {
    //    for(var item in arr) {
    //      var value = arr[item];
    //      if (value && value != '')
    //      {
    //        if(typeof(value) == 'object') {
    //          dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item + "' ...\n";
    //          dumped_text += dump(value,level+1);
    //        } else {
    //          dumped_text += level_padding + "'" + item
    //            +  "' => \"" + value + "\"\n";
    //        }
    //      }
    //    }
    //  } else { //Stings/Chars/Numbers etc.
    //    dumped_text = '===>'+arr+'<===('+typeof(arr)+')';
    //  }
    //  return dumped_text;
    // GlassShowLicence: Display the GPL (on double click).
    function glassShowLicence()
      // = 'none';  // Switch off glass.
      // = 2;             // Suppress single click.
     //  alert (
      //  Blah Blah
      // ); = 0; // Not in limbo anymore.
      return false;
    // GlassReallyClickThrough: To prevent a double click from also
    // pushing a single click through, check the didDoubleClick variable
    // of glass. The single click event handler sets a timer to call this
    // and if the double click event has been handled in between, this function
    // (effectively) does nothing.
    function glassReallyClickThrough()
      with ( {
        if (1 == inLimbo) {           // Only when one (1) click has been seen.
       //   style.display = 'none';     // Switch off glass.
          // Do the click, or if it defaults, follow the link, if there.
          //if (
           // window.location = my.lowres.parentNode.href;
          inLimbo = 0;                // Back to normal.
    // GlassClickThrough: forward the click to the underlying picture.
    // Since a double click also triggers this, just start a timer to
    // really click trough. Note that the double click handler sets
    // didDoubldClick to 1, to suppress the single click if a double
    // click has been executed during the waiting period.
    function glassClickThrough()
    { = 1;
      setTimeout('glassReallyClickThrough()', 500);
      return false;
    // GlassAddEventCursorXY: Add cursorX and Y to properties of object.
    // It's a bit complex, so thank you *again* Microsoft for
    // making me google (not binging) how to satisfy a large
    // enough number of version of IE. I prefer the *standard*
    // .pageX/Y.
    function glassAddEventCursorXY(event, my)
      if (event && event.pageX) {
        my.cursorX = event.pageX;
        my.cursorY = event.pageY;
      else { // IE6 - IE8 code.
        with(document) {
          my.cursorX = (event || window.event).clientX
            + (documentElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft);
          my.cursorY = (event || window.event).clientY
            + (documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop);
    // GlassAddAbsoluteXY: Add absoluteX and Y to properties of object.
    // The absolute document position should be standard. It is not
    // Hence this function.
    // On the Web there are many methodes involving offsetParent, they
    // don't work on a majority of browsers for complex layout, like
    // many WordPress themes. This seems to work better.
    function glassAddAbsoluteXY(obj)
      bbox = obj.getBoundingClientRect();
      obj.absoluteX = Math.round(bbox.left);
      obj.absoluteY = Math.round(;
      with(document) {
        obj.absoluteX += (documentElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft);
        obj.absoluteY += (documentElement.scrollTop  || body.scrollTop );
    // GlassReplaceThinMediumThick: take a shot at replacing these
    // implicit sizes. Note borders can be thin, medium and thick, width
    // and height can not handle these like they can px, cm, pt etc.  W3C
    // says they are browser dependent, so we do a wild guess.  We could
    // do a table look up in general 2,4,6 and 1,3,5 are popular values.
    // A quick test showed that a few popular browsers use this:
    //  1,3,5 Firefox   (OS X, Win, Lin)
    //        Chrome    (OS X, Lin)
    //        SeaMonkey (Lin)
    //  1,3,6 Opera     (OS X, Win, Lin)
    //  2,4,6 Chrome    (Win)
    //        IE        (Win)
    // Since this is with what I have installed now, let's just fiddle a
    // bit. This could be done with setting a border and reading it's
    // width in pixel, but I kind of feel using a 'medium' border is kind
    // of asking for it. :-)
    function glassReplaceThinMediumThick(s)
      var r = null;
      if ( > 0)
        r = s.replace('thin','1px').replace('medium','3px').replace('thick','6px');
      else if ( > 0)
        r = s.replace('thin','1px').replace('medium','3px').replace('thick','5px');
      else if ( > 0)
        r = s.replace('thin','2px').replace('medium','4px').replace('thick','6px');
        r = s.replace('thin','1px').replace('medium','3px').replace('thick','5px');
      return r;
    // GlassAddBorderTRBL: Add borderTop/Right/Bottom/Left as object properties.
    // Border widths can be given in 'px', 'pt', 'em', 'cm', and
    // so on. To convert these to pixels, the top,right,bottom, and left
    // style strings are put in a dummy image's width and height, this
    // force the browser to resize the image and to set the height and
    // width in pixels. For example setting to '1cm'
    // will cause dummy.width to be set to '40' if 1cm happens to be 40
    // pixels for that browser at that time for that page.
    // This really aught to be a systems service.
    function glassAddBorderTRBL(obj)
      borderLeft = borderRight  = '0';
      borderTop  = borderBottom = '0';
      // Get the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom widths from the style.
      if (obj.currentStyle) { // CSS style for IE & Opera
        borderStyle  = obj.currentStyle['borderStyle'];
        if ('none' != borderStyle && 'hidden' != borderStyle) {
          borderLeft   = obj.currentStyle['borderLeftWidth'];
          borderTop    = obj.currentStyle['borderTopWidth'];
          borderRight  = obj.currentStyle['borderRightWidth'];
          borderBottom = obj.currentStyle['borderBottomWidth'];
      else if (window.getComputedStyle) { // CSS style for Firefox
        style        = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null);
        borderStyle  = style.borderStyle;
        if ('none' != borderStyle && 'hidden' != borderStyle) {
          borderLeft   = style.borderLeftWidth;
          borderTop    = style.borderTopWidth;
          borderRight  = style.borderRightWidth;
          borderBottom = style.borderBottomWidth;
      // Translate thin, medium and thick (don't use them).
      borderLeft   = glassReplaceThinMediumThick(borderLeft);
      borderTop    = glassReplaceThinMediumThick(borderTop);
      borderRight  = glassReplaceThinMediumThick(borderRight);
      borderBottom = glassReplaceThinMediumThick(borderBottom);
      // Use dummyImg to convert the strings to pixel counts.
      with( {
        style.width      = borderLeft;
        style.height     = borderTop;
        obj.borderLeft   = width;
        obj.borderTop    = height;
        style.width      = borderRight;
        style.height     = borderBottom;
        obj.borderRight  = width;
        obj.borderBottom = height;
    // GlassAddPaddingTRBL: Add paddingTop/Right/Bottom/Left as object properties.
    // See comment function addBorderTRBL() above.
    function glassAddPaddingTRBL(obj)
      paddingLeft = paddingRight  = '0';
      paddingTop  = paddingBottom = '0';
      // Get the Left, Tip, Right, and Bottom widths from the style.
      if (obj.currentStyle) { // IE
        paddingLeft   = obj.currentStyle['paddingLeft'];
        paddingTop    = obj.currentStyle['paddingTop'];
        paddingRight  = obj.currentStyle['paddingRight'];
        paddingBottom = obj.currentStyle['paddingBottom'];
      else if (window.getComputedStyle) { // !IE
        style         = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null);
        paddingLeft   = style.paddingLeft;
        paddingTop    = style.paddingTop;
        paddingRight  = style.paddingRight;
        paddingBottom = style.paddingBottom;
      // Use dummyImg to convert the strings to pixel counts.
      with( {
        style.width       = paddingLeft;
        style.height      = paddingTop;
        obj.paddingLeft   = width;
        obj.paddingTop    = height;
        style.width       = paddingRight;
        style.height      = paddingBottom;
        obj.paddingRight  = width;
        obj.paddingBottom = height;
    // GlassSetBackground: set the background of all the layers to bgimg.
    function glassSetBackground(bgimg)
      with( {
        for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
          layer = childNodes[i];
          if (layer.tagName && 'div' == layer.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
   = bgimg;
            // Copy the width and height too, it might be scaled up
            // this especially happens on the iOS/Safari platform.
            // The iOS/Safari implementation scales big pictures
            // back to 2Mp to 3Mp.
            // Some IE's don't support backgroundSize, who cares?
            // Most versions of Safari on Windows slowdown by it, hence
            // the if (width !=
            if ('backgroundSize' in style) {
              with (my.lowres.hires.preload) {
                if (width !=
         = width + 'px ' + height + 'px' ;
    // GlassRefresh: Redraw the glass.
    // Redraw it at the (new) current position and shift the background
    // image of all the layers in the glass to match the center of the
    // layers with the center of the lowres image.
    function glassRefresh()
      var rescale;
      with( {
        if (style.display != 'none') {
          // Hide the glass if we ran out of the bounding box.
          if (my.cursorX < my.bboxLeft || my.cursorX > my.bboxRight
              ||  my.cursorY < my.bboxTop  || my.cursorY > my.bboxBottom) {
            // Switch it off.
            style.display = 'none';
          else {
            // Move the glass by setting it's style left and top props.
            style.left = Math.round(my.cursorX - my.radius) + 'px';
    = Math.round(my.cursorY - my.radius) + 'px';
            // Display either a 'Ça charge...' layer or the hires image.
            if (my.lowres.hires.preload.complete) {
              // First time, set scale and background images.
              if (my.scaleX == 0) {
                my.scaleX = my.lowres.hires.preload.width  / my.lowres.trueWidth;
                my.scaleY = my.lowres.hires.preload.height / my.lowres.trueHeight;
                // If the scale is too small, crank it up if backgroundSize
                // can be used. This is particularly helpful with iOS/Safari
                // due to its magic resizing of big images.
                if ('backgroundSize' in style) {
                  minEnlarge = (document.myrtheGlassMinEnlarge || 2.0);
                  maxEnlarge = (document.myrtheGlassMaxEnlarge || 100.0);
                  rescale = 0;
                  if (my.scaleX < minEnlarge) {
                    rescale = minEnlarge;
                  else if (my.scaleX > maxEnlarge) {
                    rescale = maxEnlarge;
                  if (rescale) {
                    my.scaleX = my.scaleY = rescale;
                      (my.scaleX * my.lowres.trueWidth) + 'px';
                      (my.scaleY * my.lowres.trueHeight) + 'px';
                // Switch off the  messageLoading layer.
       = 'none';
                // Set the background images.
                glassSetBackground('url(' + my.lowres.hires.URL + ')');
              // Calc the offset of the center in the hires image.
              centerX = (my.cursorX - my.lowres.imageX) * my.scaleX;
              centerY = (my.cursorY - my.lowres.imageY) * my.scaleY;
              // Shift the background image on all the glass's layers.
              for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
                layer = childNodes[i];
                if (layer.tagName && 'div' == layer.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
                    -Math.round(centerX - + 'px '
                    + -Math.round(centerY - + 'px';
            else {
              // Display messageLoading layer, hires not loaded yet.
     = 'block';
    //   /\_/\
    // I \   / Lisp
    //    \_/
    // GlassSetLayerStyle: Set the style elements of a layer <img>.
    function glassSetLayerStyle1(glass, layer)
      with(layer) {
        style.position  = 'absolute';
        style.border    = 'none';
        style.zIndex    = '1';
        style.cursor    = 'inherit';
        style.display   = 'inline';
        style.zIndex    = '750';
        style.maxWidth  = 'none';
        style.maxHeight = 'none';
        style.left      = '0px';       = '0px';
        //style.border   = '1px solid blue'; // DEBUG
        style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
        style.backgroundColor  = '#'+(document.myrtheGlassBackgroundRGB || '666');
    // GlassSetLayerStyle: Set the style elements of a layer <img>.
    function glassSetLayerStyle2(glass, layer)
      with(layer) {
        style.width      =  my.sizeX + 'px';
        style.height     =  my.sizeY + 'px';
        style.marginLeft = - my.sizeX/2 + 'px';
        style.marginTop  = - my.sizeY/2 + 'px';
    // GlassCreateDummyImage: Create an non-visible image to abuse.
    // These dummy images are placed at -1000,-1000 and are non-visible.
    // They can be used to pre-load (hires) images or to have the browser
    // convert strings to img.width pixel numbers.
    function glassCreateDummyImage(URL)
      var dummyImg = document.createElement('img');
      with(dummyImg) {
        src              = URL;
        style.visibility = 'hidden';
        style.position   = 'absolute';
        style.border     = 'none';
        style.left       = '0px';        = '0px';
        style.marginLeft = '-10000px'; // Don't use very wide images.
        style.marginTop  = '-10000px';
        style.maxWidth   = 'none';
        style.maxHeight  = 'none';
      return dummyImg;
    // GlassMove: Update the cursor of the glass.
    function glassMove(event)
      with( {
        if (style.display != 'none') {
          glassAddEventCursorXY(event, my);
    // GlassTouchSetSize: Resize glass based on the pinch in the range of 0-9.
    function glassTouchSetSize(event)
      var i;
      if (event.touches.length >= 2) {
        var dx = (event.touches[1].pageX - event.touches[0].pageX) / 2;
        var dy = (event.touches[1].pageY - event.touches[0].pageY) / 2;
        var r  = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
        r = r -40; // Have fingers (of 40 pixels wide) on outside of glass.
        // Find best matching r in Radi
        for (i = 0; i < gGlassRadiArray.length; i++) {
          if (r < gGlassRadiArray[i]) break;
    // GlassTouchMove: iOS/Safari version of glassMove.
    // Make the center of the first two fingers the center.
    function glassTouchMove(event)
      if (event.touches.length >= 2) {
        with( {
          if (style.display != 'none') {
            myevent = new Object();
            myevent.pageX = (event.touches[0].pageX + event.touches[1].pageX) / 2;
            myevent.pageY = (event.touches[0].pageY + event.touches[1].pageY) / 2;
            glassAddEventCursorXY(myevent, my);
    // GlassStart: Setup the glass for hovering over the lowres image.
    // This event handler is called when the cursor enters an <img> area.
    // It copies image specific values to the variables.
    function glassStart(that, event)
      with( {
        if (0 == inLimbo) {
          my.lowres  = that; // Use this lowres image.
          // Set some attributes the system should have.
          // Assume the lowres image is not moving.
          glassAddEventCursorXY(event, my);
          // Calculate the imageX and Y offset in the box.
          with(my.lowres) {
            my.lowres.imageX = absoluteX + borderLeft + paddingLeft;
            my.lowres.imageY = absoluteY + borderTop  + paddingTop;
          // Set the bounding box the glass has to stay in.
          // Note that the bounding box can be wider than the lowres image
          // due to padding and borders.
          with(my.lowres) {
            my.bboxLeft   = absoluteX;
            my.bboxTop    = absoluteY;
            if ( > 0) {
              // IE goes against the standard.
              my.bboxRight  = imageX + clientWidth + paddingLeft + paddingRight;
              my.bboxBottom = imageY + clientHeight + paddingTop + paddingBottom;
              my.lowres.trueWidth  =  clientWidth;
              my.lowres.trueHeight =  clientHeight;
            } else {
              // Standard way is to inlcude the padding in clientWidth/Height.
              my.bboxRight  = imageX + clientWidth;
              my.bboxBottom = imageY + clientHeight;
              my.lowres.trueWidth  =  clientWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight;
              my.lowres.trueHeight =  clientHeight - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
          // Flag refresh to calculate the scale, wipe the background.
          my.scaleX = 0;
          //      glassSetBackground('none');
          // Update the cursor of the glass, make it visible and refresh.
          style.display = 'inline';
    // Global vars.
    gGlassRimPath = ''; // Function glassInit() can change it.
    gGlassRadiArray = [33,56,74,95,116,139,160,180,201,224];
    gGlassRimSizeArray = [ 2, 3, 4, 5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11];
    gGlassLayerSizesArray =
    // GlassMouseStart: kickoff function to start on an image (this).
    function glassMouseStart(event)
      glassStart(this, event);
    // GlassTouchStart: iOS/Safari version of glassStart.
    function glassTouchStart(event)
      touches = event.touches;
      node    = null;
      if (touches.length == 2) {
        // Find the lowres image.
        if (touches[0].target)
          node = touches[0].target;
        else if (touches[1].target)  // Never seen it happen on iOS.
          node = touches[1].target;
        if (node) {
          myevent = new Object();
          myevent.pageX = (touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX) / 2;
          myevent.pageY = (touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY) / 2;
          glassStart(node, myevent);
    // GlassTouchEnd: If the number of fingers falls below 2, kill the glass.
    function glassTouchEnd(event)
      if (event.touches.length < 2) = 'none';
    // CreateGlass: Create a glass <div> with ten layer <div>s an border
    // <img> and a text <p> inside.
    function glassSetup()
      var i;
      // Create the glass as a div object.
      glass = = document.createElement('div'); = new Object(); = parent;
      // Since a double click also causes at least one (single) click
      // on most browsers, this script waits for 500ms after the first
      // (single) click to see if the second click makes it a double
      // click. During the wait, lots of things don't work well, but
      // what won't work well is highly browser dependent, therefore
      // this the whole script is in a state of limbo during this time
      // (there are two limbo states, 1 and 2). When inLimbo == 0, all is
      // well, otherwise, some things might not work, so there are several
      // if (!inLimbo)
      // = 0;
      // Add local variables to the glass <div> object.
      with(glass) {
        my.radius     = 4; // Pick any
        my.rimSize    = 2;
        my.scaleX     = 0; // Will be set after preload by glassRefresh().
        my.scaleY     = 0;
        my.layerSizes =
        // Set the style elements.
        style.position   = 'absolute';
        style.border     = 'none';
        style.cursor     = 'crosshair';
        style.display    = 'none';
        style.maxWidth   = 'none';
        style.maxHeight  = 'none';
        style.left       = '0px';        = '0px';
      // First, add a div for each layer in the glass.
      for (i = 0 ; i <; i++) {
        glass.innerHTML += '<div></div>';
      // Get a contrasting color to the background for the text.
      var sr = '0123456789abcdef#ABCDEF';
      var ds = 'abcdef0123456789#456789';
      var tx = (document.myrtheGlassBackgroundRGB || '666');
      tx = tx.replace(/./g, function(c) { return ds.charAt(sr.indexOf(c)); });
      // Atop the layers a Loading message.
      glass.innerHTML += '<p style="margin:0;z-index:999;'
        +  'position:absolute;max-width:none;max-height:none;'
        +  'left:0;top:0;'
        +  'padding:0;text-align:center;width:100%;'
        +  'color:#'+tx+';'
        +  '">Chargement image...<br /><br /><br />'
        +  '(Soyez patient)</p>';
      // Adding:
      // >            +  'font:15px/15px sans-serif;'
      // Safari:
      // > Warning: Cannot specify value for internal property.
      // > Error in parsing value for property '-x-system-font'.
      // > Declaration dropped.
      // The font is set dynamically below. I don't have time
      // to find out why. I'll voodoo it, thusly.
      // Atop the pseudo circle image either an image or a set of four
      // anti aliased circles to mask the jaggies.  The images are 2
      // pixels wider than the rim to allow for good looking anti-aliasing
      // (except for IE where different versions mess up, in different
      // ways, the anti aliasing of PNG images). If you are a coders at
      // Microsoft doing colors; Please let somebody get it right! I mean,
      // there have been fixes for this for IE6, IE7, and IE8. (Have not
      // checked IE9.) Currently Google, Opera, Safari, and Firefox get it
      // right on Windows, but not IE8. PLEASE get your act together, you
      // are wasting millions of hours, you frustrate tens of thousands of
      // developers.
      if (gGlassRimPath != '') {
        // Use image to hide jaggies.
          += '<img style="margin:-2px 0 0 -2px;padding:0;'
          +  'z-index:1000;'
          +  'position:absolute;max-width:none;max-height:none;'
          +  'left:0;top:0"'
          +  ' id="spy"'
          +  ' src="'
          +  gGlassRimPath
          +  'spy4.png" />';
      else {
        // Use a stack of four border to hide jaggies.
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            += '<img style="margin:-2px 0 0 -2px;padding:0;z-index:1000;'
            +  'position:absolute;max-width:none;max-height:none;'
            +  'left:0;top:0" id="rim' + i + '" src="'
            +  (document.myrtheGlassImgURL || '')
            +  'rim/rim4_000.png" />';
      // Setup the layers.
      for (i = 0; i < glass.childNodes.length; i++) {
        if (glass.childNodes[i].tagName) {
          layer = glass.childNodes[i];
          if ('div' == layer.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
   = new Object();
   = 0;
   = 0;
            glassSetLayerStyle1(glass, layer);
          else if ('p' == layer.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
   = layer;
   = '15px/15px sans-serif';  // Dodge Warning.
      // Create some dummy image to be used by addPaddingTRBL() and
      // friends to transform the
      // string parameters to pixel values.
      path = (document.myrtheGlassImgURL || ''); = glassCreateDummyImage(path + 'rim/rim4_000.png');
      // Add the glass to the document, at the level of body.
      // Add some functionality to the glass here.
      glass.ondblclick = glassShowLicence;
      glass.onclick = glassClickThrough;
      // Scroll wheel for Zooming the glass.
      if (window.attachEvent)
        glass.attachEvent('onmousewheel', glassZoom); // IE
      else // Assume W3C
        glass.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', glassZoom, false); // FireFox
        glass.addEventListener('mousewheel', glassZoom, false);  // Chrome
      // Key press for zooming the glass.
      document.onkeydown = glassZoomArrow;
      document.onkeypress = glassIgnoreDefaultForUpDown;
    // GlassZoomArrow: Make the glass bigger if Arrow Up is pressed,
    // smaller if Arrow Down is pressed. Note a check is needed on if glass
    // is displayed because this event handler is called for every
    // key press on the document.
    function glassZoomArrow(event)
      var up = 0;
      glass =;
      // Only when the glass is displayed.
      if ( != 'none') {
        e   = (event || window.event);
        key = (e.keyCode || e.which);
        if (38 == key) up = 1;    // Note that 38 is the KeyCode for Up Arrow.
        if (40 == key) up = -1;   // Guess what 40 is...
        if (up) glassResize( + up);
        if (up && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
      return !up;
    // GlassIgnoreDefaultForUpDown: This event handler just ignores the up
    // and down arrow if the glass is displayed. This is needed to prevent
    // scrolling in Opera. In general it won't hurt.
    function glassIgnoreDefaultForUpDown(event)
      var up = 0;
      // Only when the glass is displayed.
      if ( != 'none') {
        e   = (event || window.event);
        key = (e.keyCode || e.which);
        if (38 == key) up = 1;    // Note that 38 is the KeyCode for Up Arrow.
        if (40 == key) up = -1;   // Guess what 40 is...
        if (up && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
      return !up;
    // GlassZoomWheel: Make the glass bigger or smaller based on the
    // zoom wheel.  It is not HTML5, not very well standardized, but this
    // kind of seem to work. So why not?
    function glassZoom(event)
      e = (event || window.event);
      d = e.detail ? (e.detail * -1) : (e.wheelDelta / 120);
      // Scale back to one step per event.
      if (d < 0) d = -1;
      if (d > 0) d =  1;
      // Change the size of the glass.
      glassResize( + d);
      // Suppress the default behaviour (scrolling the page).
      if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
      return false;
    // GlassResize: Resize the glass.
    // The magnifying glass consists of many layers so a resize is
    // a little work.
    function glassResize(size)
      var glass =;
      var i;
      // Make sure it's a number and in [0-9].
      size = parseInt(size);
      if (size < 0) size = 0;
      if (size > 9) size = 9;
      // Add local variables to the glass <div> object.
      with(glass) {
        my.size       = size;
        my.radius     = gGlassRadiArray[size];
        my.rimSize    = gGlassRimSizeArray[size];
        my.layerSizes = gGlassLayerSizesArray[size];
        // Set the style elements.
        style.width    = my.radius * 2 + 'px';
        style.height   = my.radius * 2 + 'px';
      // Setup the rectangular layers of larger image.
      j = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < glass.childNodes.length; i++) {
        layer = glass.childNodes[i];
        if (layer.tagName && 'div' == layer.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
      = + 'px'; // DUMMY
     = + 'px'; // DUMMY
 = - + 'px';
  = - + 'px';
      if (gGlassRimPath != '') {
        with(document.getElementById('spy')) {
          style.width  = ( * 2 + 4) + 'px';
          style.height = ( * 2 + 4) + 'px';
          src = src.replace(/spy[0-9]+/, 'spy' +;
      else {
        // Change all four rim layers too.
        // Changing the size first to prevents ugly blinking.
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          with(document.getElementById('rim'+i)) {
            style.width  = ( * 2 + 4) + 'px';
            style.height = ( * 2 + 4) + 'px';
        // Now change the sources, which changes the size too, but too late.
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
          with(document.getElementById('rim'+i)) {
            src = src.replace(/rim[0-9]*_/, 'rim' + + '_');
  = ( - 30) + 'px 0';
      glassRefresh();  // Just in case it is visible right now.
    // GlassDoClick: Not all browsers have a click() function. This
    // simulates that on most browsers that lack it.
    function glassDoClick()
      var evt = this.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents');
      evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, this.ownerDocument.defaultView,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
      return this.dispatchEvent(evt);
    // GlassInsertGlass: Add the glass to the HTML
    function glassInsertGlass()
      // Set the path to the rim images.
      gGlassRimPath = (document.myrtheGlassRimPath || '');
      // Create the glass a resize is needed to complete the setup.
      glassResize(document.myrtheGlassDefaultSize || 5);
      // If a user selectable color is used, set it.
      if (gGlassRimPath == '') {
        glassSetRGB(document.myrtheGlassRimRGB || 'FF3300');
    // GlassActivateImage: make the image react to a touchstart or mouseover
    // and start loading the hires image.
    function glassActivateImage(img)
      img.hires.preload = glassCreateDummyImage(img.hires.URL);  // Preload.
      img.hires.preload.onload = glassRefresh;  // Hide 'Loading.' layer. 
      if ('ontouchstart' in img)
        img.ontouchstart = glassTouchStart;     // iOS/Safari hook.
        img.onmouseover = glassMouseStart;      // Turn on the glass.
      if (! glassInsertGlass();
    // glassInit: Setup the images to be active.
    // Since we happen to loop over all images, the border-width is set to
    // zero if the border-style is empty on all images. The border-style
    // has an unspecified default value. And apparently an empty
    // border-style also has a implementation dependent behaviour.  By
    // deciding to not display borders if they have an empty style, the
    // way things look is more consistent across browsers.
    // Actually a border value should always have been set. :-)
    // Note that in FireFox 3.6.10 things go really funky if one makes the
    // mistake of using 'border:none' in the style of an <img>.  All other
    // browsers I tested this on do it right. So to fix this the
    // border-width is set to zero pixels if the border-style is none.
    // The border-width really should not matter if the border-style is
    // none, so this probably won't break anything.
    function glassInit()
      // Loop through all the images on the page.
      var images = document.images;
      var reSuf = /(\.jpg|\.png)$/i;
      var img;
      var a_img = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
      var l = a_img.length;
      for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
        img = a_img[i];
        if ( == '') {
 = '0px'; // Force more similar behaviour.
        if ( == 'none') {
 = '0px'; // Firefox 'border:none' fix.
        if (img.parentNode.tagName && img.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() =='a') {
          if (reSuf.test(img.parentNode.href)) {
            // Get the hires image URL from the link.
            img.hires     = new Object();
            img.hires.URL = img.parentNode.href;
          else if (document.myrtheGlassDx && document.myrtheGlassDy) {
            // WordPress plugin only thumbnails often point to a page not
            // an image. By looking at end of the URL of the thumbnail image
            // these can be recognized (in WordPress). It is not airtight,
            // but if a larger version exists it is used for the glass.
            // This way the enlargement factor is smaller than if the
            // full size image were taken. Not that myrtheGlassMaxEnlarge
            // also limits this factor, however it needs CSS3 extensions
            // that some versions IE do not have and also it slows down
            // some browsers (including most IE versions).
            // '<a href' has no .png or .jpg.
            // Check if basename lowres ends -000x000
            var dx = document.myrtheGlassDx;
            var dy = document.myrtheGlassDy;
            var re = /^(.*)(-\d+x\d+)(\.jpg|\.png)$/i;
            var am = re.exec(img.src);
            if (am) { // Match, use '\1\3' as a hires URL
              img.hires = new Object();
              if (dx == 0 || dy == 0) { // Let's interpret zero as max...
                img.hires.URL = am[1] + am[3];
              } else {
                img.hires.URL = am[1] + '-'+dx+'x'+dy + am[3];
              // Since an image can be either dx,dy or dy,dx sized,
              // and since it is hard to determine which is correct,
              // the code below simply tries to load the second aspect
              // ratio, if it succeeds it retrofits the alternative
              // preload URL in to the preload object.
              img.hires.alt = glassCreateDummyImage(am[1] + '-'+dy+'x'+dx + am[3]);
              img.hires.alt.parent = img.hires;
              img.hires.alt.onload =
                function() {
                  with(this.parent) URL = preload.src = alt.src;
        if (! = glassDoClick;
      if ('ontouchstart' in document.body) {
        document.body.parentNode.ontouchmove = glassTouchMove; // iOS/Safari hook.
        document.body.parentNode.ontouchend  = glassTouchEnd;
      else {
        document.body.parentNode.onmousemove = glassMove;
      if (gGlassRimPath != '') { // Preload all the rim images.
        for (var s in gGlassRimSizeArray)
          glassCreateDummyImage(gGlassRimPath + 'spy' + gGlassRimSizeArray[s]
                                + '.png');
      else { // Preload all the rims.
        path = (document.myrtheGlassImgURL || '');
        OF = ['0','F'];
        S = gGlassRimSizeArray;
        var s,r,g,b;
        for (s in gGlassRimSizeArray) for (r in OF) for (g in OF) for (b in OF)
    // GlassSetRGB: change the three rim's and set their opacity such that
    // a rim of the requested RGB color appears.
    function glassSetRGB(glassRimRGB)
      // Get the minimum *positive* value from a set of three.
      // eg. minpos(3,0,1) returns 1, and minpos(0,0,0) returns 0.
      function minpos(A,B,C)
        var minpos = A+B+C;
        if (A && A < minpos) minpos = A;
        if (B && B < minpos) minpos = B;
        if (C && C < minpos) minpos = C;
        return minpos;
      var src;
      var path = (document.myrtheGlassImgURL || '');
      var glass =;
      var re = /^([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i;
      var aRGB = re.exec(glassRimRGB);
      var R = aRGB[1] != '' ? parseInt('0x'+aRGB[1]) : 0;
      var G = aRGB[2] != '' ? parseInt('0x'+aRGB[2]) : 0;
      var B = aRGB[3] != '' ? parseInt('0x'+aRGB[3]) : 0;
      var L1 = (R ? 'F':'0') + (G ? 'F':'0') + (B ? 'F':'0');
      var a = minpos(R,G,B); R -= R ? a:0; G -= G ? a:0; B -= B ? a:0;
      var L2 = (R ? 'F':'0') + (G ? 'F':'0') + (B ? 'F':'0');
      var b = minpos(R,G,B); R -= R ? b:0; G -= G ? b:0; B -= B ? b:0;
      var L3 = (R ? 'F':'0') + (G ? 'F':'0') + (B ? 'F':'0');
      var c = minpos(R,G,B);
      // Scale and take cascading into effect.
      c /= 255;
      b = (b / 255) / (1-c);
      a = (a / 255) / ((1-c)*(1-b));
      // Sanitize.
      if (a > 1) a = 1; if (b > 1) b = 1; if (c > 1) c = 1;
      if (a < 0) a = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0; if (c < 0) c = 0;
      // Set the three layers of the rim.
      with(document.getElementById('rim0')) {
        style.opacity = 1.00;
        style.filter  = 'alpha(opacity=100)';
      with(document.getElementById('rim1')) {
        src = path + 'rim/rim''_'+L1+'.png';
        style.opacity = a;
        style.filter  = 'alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(a*100) + ')';
      with(document.getElementById('rim2')) {
        src = path + 'rim/rim''_'+L2+'.png';
        style.opacity = b;
        style.filter  = 'alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(b*100) + ')';
      with(document.getElementById('rim3')) {
        src = path + 'rim/rim''_'+L3+'.png';
        style.opacity = c;
        style.filter  = 'alpha(opacity=' + Math.round(c*100) + ')';

    THANKYOU – just what I was looking for. 🙂

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