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  • Hi, Theme My Login seems to use similar hooks as bbPress. If you’re comfortable editing the wp-user-avatar.php file in my plugin, you can change lines 122 and 154, and swap out where it says ‘bbPress’ with ‘theme_my_login’. I’ll address this issue with a more permanent fix in the plugin at a later time.

    Also, keep in mind that the plugin only allows Administrators, Editors, and Authors to upload and edit their own avatars.

    i am using theme my login plugin. when any user login through login page it redirect to dashboard. so what changes i have to do to redirect them to another page?

    @moksh: That seems to be a question for the Theme My Login forum.

    Can I just add to this, I’m using Theme-my-login + The WP User Avatar together, they’re showing fine. HOWEVER, i’ve now got 25+ scripts on my front end!

    And not just for the profile page, for all pages, it’s insane! Does the plugin NEED all these scripts?

    @yratof: The plugin loads wp_enqueue_media which includes all of the scripts needed for the Media uploader. It only loads if the user is logged in. It seemed like I was getting enough requests for a front-end uploader that including the function was the best way to go, and a logged-in user would already have these scripts loaded because they are part of the WP admin.

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