• surefirewebserv


    Came across this on a site I’m working on. Apparently FireFox doesn’t like using fonts when there’s a cross domain.

    i.e. The blog being located at blog.domain.com but on the actual site it’s domain.com/blog

    So when looking at the fonts on the simple social icons, they come up as little boxes.

    I found a fix though. Add an .htaccess file to the fonts folder with:

    <FilesMatch “\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff)$”>
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”

    Not sure if it’s feasable to add an .htaccess file to a plugin. In my case it’s necessary though since I work in a large corporate and the WP .htaccess is customized, so I can’t touch it =)

    Hope this helps.


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  • flamenco


    Hey Jon,
    Isn’t that wild? I see in the code where the paths to the fonts are defined. One could also hard-code those paths instead of using the relative ones. That might be good for a CSS person who gets nervous making .htaccess edits. 🙂

    Then again, your method is more plugin-upgrade friendly.

    PS: I got a little nervous at first when I saw “cross-domain”. That brings cross-domain script attacks to mind. Fortunately, this is a lot more mild than that!


    Plugin Contributor Ron Rennick


    @surefirewebdev – thanks 🙂 Hopefully that’s something that will be fixed in Firefox.

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