• Looking for help in integrating jquery bbq into my wordpress site. The site itself already utilizes Isotope as a portfolio sorter.
    The goal in the end is to be able to link to specific filtered item, not just the portfolio page. For example if I was on an about us page and I wanted to link to a specific category it wouldnt just take me to the portfolio page where everything is unfiltered but to the filter point.
    Jquery bbq seems to be my best bet using the hash history for me to be able to link to the specific filter states.
    Does anybody have any experience with anything, or is anything unclear.
    Looking for some guidance on how to incorporate jquery BBQ.

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  • Hi bbart10,
    I’ve just integrated jQuery BBQ onto a site to achieve what you describe. There is an example of BBQ itnegration with Isotope here:
    and a tutorial here:

    I didn’t find the tutorial totally usefull though since it doesn’t cover how to update the Navigation. I ended up stripping the javascript out of the example page (inline at the bottom of the page):

          var $container = $('#container'),
              // object that will keep track of options
              isotopeOptions = {},
              // defaults, used if not explicitly set in hash
              defaultOptions = {
                filter: '*',
                sortBy: 'original-order',
                sortAscending: true,
                layoutMode: 'masonry'
          // add randomish size classes
            var $this = $(this),
                number = parseInt( $this.find('.number').text(), 10 );
            if ( number % 7 % 2 === 1 ) {
            if ( number % 3 === 0 ) {
          var setupOptions = $.extend( {}, defaultOptions, {
            itemSelector : '.element',
            masonry : {
              columnWidth : 120
            cellsByRow : {
              columnWidth : 240,
              rowHeight : 240
            getSortData : {
              symbol : function( $elem ) {
                return $elem.attr('data-symbol');
              category : function( $elem ) {
                return $elem.attr('data-category');
              number : function( $elem ) {
                return parseInt( $elem.find('.number').text(), 10 );
              weight : function( $elem ) {
                return parseFloat( $elem.find('.weight').text().replace( /[\(\)]/g, '') );
              name : function ( $elem ) {
                return $elem.find('.name').text();
          // set up Isotope
          $container.isotope( setupOptions );
          var $optionSets = $('#options').find('.option-set'),
              isOptionLinkClicked = false;
          // switches selected class on buttons
          function changeSelectedLink( $elem ) {
            // remove selected class on previous item
            // set selected class on new item
            var $this = $(this);
            // don't proceed if already selected
            if ( $this.hasClass('selected') ) {
            changeSelectedLink( $this );
                // get href attr, remove leading #
            var href = $this.attr('href').replace( /^#/, '' ),
                // convert href into object
                // i.e. 'filter=.inner-transition' -> { filter: '.inner-transition' }
                option = $.deparam( href, true );
            // apply new option to previous
            $.extend( isotopeOptions, option );
            // set hash, triggers hashchange on window
            $.bbq.pushState( isotopeOptions );
            isOptionLinkClicked = true;
            return false;
          var hashChanged = false;
          $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ){
            // get options object from hash
            var hashOptions = window.location.hash ? $.deparam.fragment( window.location.hash, true ) : {},
                // do not animate first call
                aniEngine = hashChanged ? 'best-available' : 'none',
                // apply defaults where no option was specified
                options = $.extend( {}, defaultOptions, hashOptions, { animationEngine: aniEngine } );
            // apply options from hash
            $container.isotope( options );
            // save options
            isotopeOptions = hashOptions;
            // if option link was not clicked
            // then we'll need to update selected links
            if ( !isOptionLinkClicked ) {
              // iterate over options
              var hrefObj, hrefValue, $selectedLink;
              for ( var key in options ) {
                hrefObj = {};
                hrefObj[ key ] = options[ key ];
                // convert object into parameter string
                // i.e. { filter: '.inner-transition' } -> 'filter=.inner-transition'
                hrefValue = $.param( hrefObj );
                // get matching link
                $selectedLink = $optionSets.find('a[href="#' + hrefValue + '"]');
                changeSelectedLink( $selectedLink );
            isOptionLinkClicked = false;
            hashChanged = true;
            // trigger hashchange to capture any hash data on init

    I then removed a few setup bits since I already had isotope working and changed a couple of IDs and classes to match my markup. Ended up with this:

          var $container = $('#containerp'),
              // object that will keep track of options
              isotopeOptions = {},
              // defaults, used if not explicitly set in hash
              defaultOptions = {
                filter: '*',
                sortBy: 'original-order',
                sortAscending: true,
                layoutMode: 'masonry'
           var $optionSets = $('#projects').find('#filterNav'),
              isOptionLinkClicked = false;
          // switches selected class on buttons
          function changeSelectedLink( $elem ) {
            // remove selected class on previous item
            // set selected class on new item
            var $this = $(this);
            // don't proceed if already selected
            if ( $this.hasClass('selected') ) {
            changeSelectedLink( $this );
                // get href attr, remove leading #
            var href = $this.attr('href').replace( /^#/, '' ),
                // convert href into object
                // i.e. 'filter=.inner-transition' -> { filter: '.inner-transition' }
                option = $.deparam( href, true );
            // apply new option to previous
            $.extend( isotopeOptions, option );
            // set hash, triggers hashchange on window
            $.bbq.pushState( isotopeOptions );
            isOptionLinkClicked = true;
            return false;
          var hashChanged = false;
          $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function( event ){
            // get options object from hash
            var hashOptions = window.location.hash ? $.deparam.fragment( window.location.hash, true ) : {},
                // do not animate first call
                aniEngine = hashChanged ? 'best-available' : 'none',
                // apply defaults where no option was specified
                options = $.extend( {}, defaultOptions, hashOptions, { animationEngine: aniEngine } );
            // apply options from hash
            $container.isotope( options );
            // save options
            isotopeOptions = hashOptions;
            // if option link was not clicked
            // then we'll need to update selected links
            if ( !isOptionLinkClicked ) {
              // iterate over options
              var hrefObj, hrefValue, $selectedLink;
              for ( var key in options ) {
                hrefObj = {};
                hrefObj[ key ] = options[ key ];
                // convert object into parameter string
                // i.e. { filter: '.inner-transition' } -> 'filter=.inner-transition'
                hrefValue = $.param( hrefObj );
                // get matching link
                $selectedLink = $optionSets.find('a[href="#' + hrefValue + '"]');
                changeSelectedLink( $selectedLink );
            isOptionLinkClicked = false;
            hashChanged = true;
            // trigger hashchange to capture any hash data on init

    Hope that helps. I’m no javascript expert but this seems to work.


    I’m also using BBQ hash and isotope, with the above script, but I’ve got a problem with the urls.
    If you navigate through the testsite you’ll see what I mean:

    When I’m on a “normal” wordpres page in my website (eg url ) and I click on one of the isotope filters (eg #filter=.producten), the url of the page I was on is kept and the filter is added to the url:

    That’s not correct because the root of my site is so the page producten should be:

    So what comes before the # is not updated. I can’t find a solution to this.

    Hi Mixette,

    If I understand you correctly all you need to do is add the path to the page with Isotope before the filter in your link.

    So your code:
    <a href="#filter=.producten">Over ons</a>

    should be:
    <a href="">Over ons</a>

    By the way I think adding a path before the filter probably won’t work on your homepage (the page with isotope on). You will probably have to load a separate menu on the homepage to other pages.

    One option would be to use a plugin like this to load a different menu on your homepage:

    Hi guys

    I have a new theme and pretty much have this working, but I always have to click my filters twice for them to work

    Clicking the design filter produces this url

    Clicking again, it works and uses this url

    I can tell whats wrong, but not sure how to correct it!

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