• Hey! We are having an issue with the Titles & Metas displaying.

    We’ve updated WordPress, updated the plugin (downloaded the latest on the developers page, as well as the one in the plugin depository), tried it with our theme as well as the default 2011 theme and they’re still not working.

    I’ve read through the previous topic relating to this, a few people had the issue as a result of plugins, even with all plugins disabled we’re still having the issue.

    I also tried looking at the site in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox and it persists through all browsers.

    We also tried to increase the PHP memory limit via the php.ini file, which also didn’t help.


    Any clue what could be causing it after all options above have been eliminated?


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  • Hi, I am having exactly the same issue. I have disabled all plugins and tried various different options.
    Help would be much appreciated.

    I am currently having the same issue.

    On my site, the titles and meta show up on every page, but for the homepage, it shows my site title from the “Settings” in wordpress.

    I see both in my source code, but I am wondering why it is duplicating and not showing the proper SEO title for homepage.. see my source page here.


    I have a similar issue that the meta desciptions I’m adding in WordPress SEO by Yoast aren’t being pulled by Google.

    See this screen shot: http://www.kingsofazon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/meta-tweet-tweet.jpg

    It also appears that I’m having some kind of conflict with my “sharebar” plugin.

    When I move the meta description to the Thesis Theme’s SEO section it shows what I write there as well as it doesn’t show the “tweet tweet”.

    I’ve love to keep all my SEO descriptors in WordPress SEO by Yoast and am looking for some help with figuring out what needs to be done to get it working.

    My site is http://www.kingsofazon.com


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