• WordPress has exhausted me. I just upgraded the same way I did the previous upgrade and now every post and image has strange characters inserted. The whole thing is wrecked. Word press is very, very glitchy. Even to post a simple entry– there are times it works well and other times for no apparent reason 8 validation errors are tripped. So a post takes 12 minutes to post and 1 hour to fix all the problems. No one should use WordPress unless they are fluent in html. Now that the html code is not even all included in one place it is extremely difficult for me to fix allt he validation errors.

    So I was trying to accept the constant validation problems and now this. A simple upgrade and 30+ POSTS ARE WRECKED!

    I hate WordPress and I don’t understand why anyone would use this. You spend all your time fixing WordPress instead of blogging!

    If anyone could take a look and give me a word of advice, I would appreciate it. Let me just say that already know the following:

    -I should be a professional coder and know how to do everything “manually” anyway…

    (keep in mind that I have expertise in other fields so I am not necessarily an idiot just because I haven’t devoted my life to understanding html code)

    Also, can someone advise me about another blog site– a user friendly one. I don’t care if it’s free– I will pay-I just need it to work well. I would like to fix my blog for the 2 months I have remaining on account with bluehost/wordpress.

    Exhausted with frustration…


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  • I assume you did an automatic upgrade via Fantastico – please, see this note:

    I should be a professional coder and know how to do everything “manually” anyway…

    Wow, this is your first post here, and you already know that? I am admittedly impressed.

    Sarcasm aside, you dont have to be a professional coder to use wordpress, or to upgrade wordpress — you do however, need to be aware of the fact that there are many variables that go into successfully using it, and upgrading it.. here are just a few and yes, they vary from site to site:

    1. The version(s). upgrading from –> upgrading to
    2. your plugins
    3. your theme(s).
    4. your hosting set-up
    5. Yes, your own common sense

    It’s impossible for ANY team of developers to account for every variable that the 5 items above bring into play.

    There are hundreds of thousands wordpress blogs on the net, and I’ll hazard a guess that a very small percentage of them are administered by people that call themselves coders.

    Its not HTML.. none of it is.. its either PHP or XHTML, depending on what you are talking about.

    I hate WordPress

    It appears that’s mutual.

    Good luck 🙂

    Here, by the way, is a great site for looking at alternatives:


    This also happened to me. When I upgraded to 2.1.3 using Fantastico I had no problems. I used Fantastico again to upgrade from 2.1.3 to 2.2 and the formatting of my site, when using Firefox, is a mess.

    – I’m using the default theme and the top and bottom look fine. The middle section (below the header and above the footer) shows two posts (aligned correctly) but not on the white background that used to be there.
    – Posts 3-10 are right next to the left part my screen.
    – The sidebar is below the posts now.

    When I read Moshu’s post with the link to a note about upgrading, I followed the instructions on that page which said:

    “pre-Version 2.2, Fantastico will use the wp-config-sample.php file to regenerate a new wp-config.php file. By doing this, two new values, DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE, are placed into the wp-config.php file. Those lines should be deleted from your wp-config.php if you are upgrading from a pre-Version 2.2 (like 2.0.10 or 2.1.3) to Version 2.2.1. A detailed explanation about DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE can be found in Editing wp-config.php.”

    I deleted the two lines in the config.php file and the blog looks exactly the same.

    Any ideas on why the formatting isn’t working?

    PS The blog is at: http://www.suebond.com/sue

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