• I want to set up a test blog for visitors. I will create an author and then give testers the username and password of that author I create.

    I want them to be able to create, edit and publish posts which is fine, but I don’t want them to be able to change their profile (thus changing the login details for the next test user).

    Is there any way to restrict an Authors ability to ever be able to change their profile (global amongst all authors within this blog would be fine by me).



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  • Maybe use the Role Manager plugin and deny the Edit User capability.

    Thread Starter robert2008



    Installed the plugin. What an amazing piece of software, but just about the only thing it doesn’t address is restricting a user from editing their profile.

    Any other ideas?

    I saw this, but don’t know if it will work for me because I want to restrict an Author from changing profile, but not higher levels like Administrator from changing everyones.

    Any thoughts?




    Thread Starter robert2008


    In other words, I’m looking for the ability not to show a link in the Dashboard that reads “Update Your profile or change your password’ nor even show the “Profile” tab whatsoever to Authors.



    Thread Starter robert2008


    Denying Access to Dashboard and Profile all together for lower level users I pick like the Author would be the best case senario

    Instead of going from username and password screen to dashboard, the redirect would go to next available tab, like ‘Write’ tab in the case of an Author.



    Yeah I see that Edit User will still allow you access to Your Profile.

    Guess you could take out the reference to the ‘Your Profile’ in wp-admin/menu.php (line 55 at 2.1.3)

    Make a backup before doing that.

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