• Is there a way to format the links in the sidebar to be side-by-side vs. on different lines?

    IE. I’d like it to look like this: link 1, link 2, link 3


    Link 1
    Link 2
    Link 3

    Any insight would be great.


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  • Unless a plug-in exists which does that already, I suggest you do the following;

    By default, links are displayed in a list form, i.e.
    [ul] followed by a variety of list elements
    [li]. What you want to do is to discard that markup and have nothing but the [a] tags, for whatever reason you fancy. Have a look at the functions which generate menu elements and ‘rob’ them from the code which makes them structured lists. Back up original functions before hacking them.

    In the sidebar? Yeah there’s a way to do that. Go to Manage > Categories, and go to the category you want to edit. Then decide how you want it to go, by name or whatever. If it’s a really random way of doing it, though, I really don’t know what to tell you.


    I’ve been trying to do this same thing..

    I put ul li in my style sheet, but I have no clue how to make it so they align sibe by side. i tried looking fo a plugin but it seems they don’t have one.

    Actually, I just fixed it! yipee!

    all I did was in my stylesheet I put display:inline; under my li and ul tags! simple.

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