Advanced Widgets

Add widgets in your sidebars and then choose where they will be shown! It has never been so easy to personalize the widgets section!

Andrico - Nicolás Guglielmi 100+ active installations Tested with 4.1.40 Updated 9 years ago

Multiple Sidebars

A wonderful plugin to easily create many custom sidebars. These sidebars can then select in the creation of a post / page / custom post type / categor …

Andrico - Nicolás Guglielmi 1,000+ active installations Tested with 3.5.2 Updated 10 years ago

Coon Google Maps

You can insert google maps in your site. It's very easy to use, and you can show routes, markers.

Andrico 10+ active installations Tested with 4.1.40 Updated 9 years ago